It's time to reserve your Eck beef side! Quarters, halves, and whole Certified Red Angus or Akaushi Wagyu beef available, vacuum sealed and ready for your freezer this fall. Our beef is corn-fed on a specially formulated ration, steroid and antibiotic free, raised with low stress management, and dry-aged for a minimum of 14 days.

Cost is $3.40/lb hanging weight for a whole/half side of Red Angus beef plus processing fees; $3.50/lb hanging weight for a quarter Red Angus plus processing fees. Ready to try the marbling power and healthy fat found in Wagyu beef? Our Akaushi beef is $3.90/lb hanging weight for a whole/half side plus processing fees, or $4.00/lb hanging weight plus processing fees for a quarter. You may customize your beef however you wish -- we'll walk you through the cut order and explain your options.
If you're ready to fill your freezer and feed your family with locally-raised, well-marbled, delicious beef, reach out to us via email:, phone: (620) 243-3462,, or private message. Not ready for a side just yet, but interested in individual cuts, click here: If you have questions about freezer space, understanding hanging weight, or how many pounds to expect in your order, read here: